RF Microneedling

What is RF Microneedling?

Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure to address wrinkles, acne scars, age spots, lax skin, and more. RF microneedling adds the element of radiofrequency energy to the already stimulating traditional microneedling procedure.

During treatment, a topical numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area. Then, the RF microneedling device, equipped with ultrafine needles, will create tiny wounds in the skin while simultaneously emitting radiofrequency energy. As these controlled injuries heal, they will trigger new collagen and elastin production deep in the skin to combat signs of skin aging and skin laxity for tighter skin. Compared to classic microneedling procedures, RF microneedling produces more dramatic results, quicker.

Why Choose UnionDerm for RF Microneedling?

The board-certified dermatologists at UnionDerm have collectively performed over 2,000 radiofrequency microneedling treatments since 2016. Unlike other facilities that may only offer one type of RF microneedling treatment, our physicians choose from one of five different devices to most effectively treat each individual patient based on their specific concerns.

Additionally, several of our physicians have participated in clinical studies evaluating new treatment indications for RF microneedling including a trial that evaluated the use of the Secret RF device to improve acne scarring and a Morpheus8 study that determined its usage to effectively treat mild-to-moderate cellulite.

Who is a Candidate for RF Microneedling?

An ideal candidate for this treatment is someone who is in good health and is seeking the treatment of early signs of aging. Those who are pregnant or nursing, have a history of cold sores, hypertrophic scarring, or poor wound healing, or who have a severe skin disease may not be good candidates. To learn more about if this treatment is right for you, please schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists.

What Can I Expect with RF Microneedling?

At UnionDerm, we offer five cutting-edge RF microneedling devices for each patient’s unique aesthetic goals. These include:

Secret RF

Secret RF is a novel fractional radiofrequency (RF) microneedling treatment designed to stimulate and remodel collagen. The treatment uses microneedles to deliver radiofrequency waves into varying levels of the skin, including the deeper layers of the dermis. The intensity of the device can be tailored to treat the skin at various depths or to suit different patients’ needs, including diminishing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, sun spots, scars, and stretch marks.

This minimally invasive treatment typically requires little to no downtime, so you can return to your normal activities quickly. Most patients can see results weeks after a single treatment, but to achieve optimal results, a series of treatments is often recommended. As with other microneedling procedures, patients may experience redness, dryness, or swelling after Secret RF.


Morephus8 is a minimally invasive, deep fractional skin treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency. This combination stimulates collagen production by penetrating deeply into and heating layers of the dermis, triggering collagen production for tighter, smoother skin on both the face and body. The device’s modular tips allow the treatment to target areas large and small with minimal risk of hyperpigmentation. The device targets the deflation of soft tissue, including the jowls, as well as fine lines, cellulite, stretch marks, and acne scars.

During the treatment, the applicator passes over the skin of the affected area and penetrates the subdermal tissue, targeting areas of laxity or soft tissue. The device coagulates fat and contracts connective tissue to tighten and correct lines, marks, and wrinkles on the treated area.

EndyMed Intensif RF

The EndyMed Intensif RF Microneedle system combines microneedling and radiofrequency technology to reach deeper layers of skin and improve overall skin texture. The highly precise treatment transmits heat into the skin to trigger a healing response, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles, acne, and scarring for all skin types.

EndyMed Intensif RF is minimally invasive and requires little downtime. The treatment differs from traditional microneedling in a few ways: EndyMed Intensif’s gold-plated tapered microneedles require fewer passes over the skin’s surface, meaning a shorter session time, and the microneedles are much smaller, resulting in minimal discomfort.


Potenza is a versatile radiofrequency (RF) microneedling device safe for all skin types. RF energy heats the underlying layers, stimulating the tightening of skin through the stimulation of elastin and collagen. Because the RF energy is delivered so deeply into the tissues, it can create quicker, more dramatic results. Potenza can also perform RF microneedling with an infusion tip designed to drive topicals into the skin for even more dramatic results.


The Profound treatment is a non-surgical option for treating facial wrinkles and the appearance of cellulite. It combines radiofrequency (RF) energy with microneedles to transform your skin from within, triggering collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production.

What Areas Does RF Microneedling Treat?

    • Face
    • Neck
    • Full Body


Schedule a Radiofrequency Microneedling Consultation

We offer RF microneedling in both New York City at our Union Square and Central Park offices and in the Hamptons at our Water Mill, NY office. If you are interested in learning more about RF microneedling and how it can help you achieve your desired results, please contact UnionDerm today. A consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists is the first step toward combating signs of aging.


What is DermaSweep?: 

DermaSweep is a next-level micro-resurfacing treatment that uses a gentle bristle tip to exfoliate the top layer of skin and target a multitude of skin concerns, including acne, hyperpigmentation, and signs of aging. According to data collected from clinical trials, DermaSweep is safe for sensitive or reactive skin and delivers noticeable results in as little as a single treatment. 

DermaSweep improves skin texture and increases radiance by stimulating the renewal of collagen production and encouraging lymphatic drainage. The combination treatment doesn’t just exfoliate, but also allows physicians to infuse the skin with useful nutrients like hyaluronic acid or vitamin C to fit patients’ unique needs. There are many infusion formulas available, including the “Red Carpet” infusion, which evens tone and boosts the skin’s overall glow.

What can I expect with DermaSweep?:

DermaSweep is a painless, 30-minute treatment without downtime. It can be done in a three-part series, though results are often visible after a single visit. Unlike traditional microdermabrasion, DermaSweep does not use crystals, therefore eliminating the irritation or inflammation that comes with embedded debris. The treatment allows the physician to adjust the aggression of the suction-like exfoliating bristle to fit the patient’s level of sensitivity. 

DermaSweep is approved for use on the face, including the eye area, as well as the neck and décolletage, both of which are often subject to sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and signs of age. The treatment is also approved for use on the hands and arms—DermaSweep can diminish the appearance of Keratosis pilaris in this area in particular. Consult with your physician when deciding which areas to try DermaSweep.

The physician may also suggest infusing the device with nutrients based on the patient’s needs—these nutrients include hyaluronic acid, vitamin c, humectants, and more. 

Afterward, the patient may experience mild tightness or tingling, as with any exfoliation, but the skin will likely feel smoother and feel more refreshed.

What areas does DermaSweep treat?:

Neck + Chest
Hands + Arms


What is Clear + Brilliant®?

The Clear + Brilliant® laser is FDA-approved and optimized for preventing and addressing early signs of aging including skin texture, firmness, elasticity, and pore-size appearance. It has been one of our favorite energy devices as it provides less invasive and affordable treatments with minimal downtime that can be preventative as well as restorative. Several patients notice improved skin appearance and a “glow” almost immediately, and it is a great introductory laser for patients who do not need more intensive treatments or want to avoid downtime.

This treatment works by creating micro-thermal zones in the skin, stimulating new collagen production for overall skin rejuvenation. Clear + Brilliant is a great option to address skin concerns such as early signs of aging, uneven skin tone and texture, sun damage, large pores, and more.

The Permea treatment combines the Clear and Brilliant laser with a topical antioxidant treatment. The special Permea handpiece is optimized for brighter, more even skin tone and enhanced skin permeability.

Why Choose UnionDerm for Clear + Brilliant® Treatments?

All of our physicians have been using Clear + Brilliant since their cosmetic fellowships and trainings, and are long-time experts in the use of the device. We are currently participating in two clinical trials that are examining the safety and effectiveness of Clear + Brilliant to treat the neck and chest area and another that’s looking at the Permea portion of the Clear + Brilliant System to treat melasma. We are pioneers in combining Clear + Brilliant with other treatments such as photodynamic therapy. Our combination treatment on the chest was shown to improve the skin appearance on the chest more than photodynamic therapy alone.

What Can I Expect with Clear + Brilliant®?

This non-invasive and gentle treatment is ideal for individuals of all skin types. A topical numbing cream may be applied to ensure your comfort. Our medical professional will then gently guide the Clear + Brilliant® handpiece across the target area and actively treat your skin, creating microscopic treatment zones, for approximately 15-20 minutes. Patients may experience a well-tolerated heating sensation.

Following treatment, minor redness and swelling may occur, which usually resolves within an hour. It is important that patients follow the instructions provided to them by our team following their laser energy treatment to ensure optimal results. This may involve avoiding sun damage due to sun exposure with the use of sunscreen and protective clothing. Makeup can be applied following treatment to cover redness if desired.

Most patients can begin to notice a visible improvement in their skin within a few days of treatment and greater improvement with a series of treatments. Results will continue to improve over the next couple of months as collagen continues to generate, resulting in a healthy glow and younger-looking skin.

What Areas Does Clear + Brilliant® Treat?

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands


Schedule a Consultation

Please contact UnionDerm today to learn more about Clear + Brilliant treatments and how they can help you achieve a radiant glow, or to schedule a consultation appointment. We will be happy to assist you in your journey toward gorgeous skin!


What is Alex TriVantage?:

Alex TriVantage is a laser system used to treat tattoos of all colors and types as well as pigmented lesions. This particular system is safer than traditional methods due to the unique ability to electively treat the tattoo or pigmented lesion while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. Alex TriVantage is able to treat areas of various sizes, is suitable for all skin tones, and allows for a quicker, more efficient treatment.

What can I expect with Alex TriVantage?:

Alex TriVantage is minimally painful and requires little downtime. Patients may feel a pinching sensation during the treatment, which some clients have likened to the feeling of a rubber band snapping on skin. Our Alex TriVantage laser combines three wavelengths to effectively fracture pigment, which gradually eliminates unwanted colors. The physician glides the tip of the laser over the affected area during the treatment, which often lasts under 30 minutes. The system is designed to minimize the potential of scarring or changes in skin texture.

Results vary from patient to patient and depend on the size, color, and age of the lesion or tattoo. Physicians typically recommend multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. Our physicians are highly experienced in laser tattoo removal, developing state-of-the-art techniques to accelerate treatment by combining multiple treatments during one visit.

What areas does Alex TriVantage treat?:



What is Fraxel Repair?: 

Fraxel lasers are fractionated lasers that provide energy in a precisely controlled manner. We offer treatments with both ablative (re:pair) and non-ablative (re:store) devices.

Fraxel (repair) is an ablative fractionated laser that vaporizes tissue in a precisely controlled manner to promote new collagen formation and skin rejuvenation. Recovery time is longer and can range from a few days to a few weeks. Ablative lasers are most useful for improving scarring, moderate wrinkles, severe sun damage, moderate skin laxity, mottled pigmentation and cosmetic tattoos.

Here are the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about Fraxel

What can I expect with Fraxel Repair?:

The Fraxel Repair Laser treatment duration will vary based on the size of the area being treated. After treatment is complete, it’s vital that you stay out of the sun for at least 48-72 hours, and you may need to take 1-2 weeks away from work or social events.

What areas does Fraxel Repair treat?:



What is Fraxel Restore DUAL?

Fraxel lasers are fractionated lasers that provide energy in a precisely controlled manner. We offer treatments with both ablative (Fraxel re:pair) and non-ablative (Fraxel dual) devices.

Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 treatment is a non-ablative fractionated laser that stimulates collagen growth in the skin resulting in a healthy glow, smoother texture, and improved appearance. The laser energy creates microscopic laser columns, which produces a wound healing response without injuring the skin surface, allowing for a faster recovery time, typically 1-3 days. A series of non-ablative laser treatments can improve fine lines, mottled pigmentation, melasma, acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, enlarged pores, and more.

Why Choose UnionDerm for Fraxel Laser Treatments?

We recognize that the experience of the provider is a key factor in achieving optimal results. The board-certified physicians at UnionDerm have collectively performed over 5,000 Fraxel Dual treatments since 2013.

Our team of physicians is passionate about providing effective, natural results, which is why they take part in continued training and research. Dr. Chapas continues to be closely involved in the optimization and best practices of dual-wavelength non-ablative fractional lasers (Fraxel Dual) and her most recent findings were published in 2022 in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery.

Unlike some other lasers, Fraxel Dual is safe and effective for almost all skin types.  While all UnionDerm physicians are highly trained in treating skin of color, Dr. Chang, Dr. Ugonabo, and Dr. Chopra, in particular, have all made this a primary focus of their training, research, and practice.

Who is a Candidate for Fraxel Restore DUAL?

Individuals who are looking to address skin concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and surgical scars, sun damage, pigmentation, pigmented lesions, sun spots and age spots, and actinic keratosis (AK) can often benefit from Fraxel Restore Dual treatments. This treatment is also safe for most skin types, including darker skin tones. To learn more about this laser treatment and if it is right for you, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

What Can I Expect from a Fraxel DUAL Treatment?

To begin your Fraxel DUAL laser treatment, your provider will cleanse the treatment area and apply a topical anesthetic ointment to ensure your comfort. The laser will then be moved over the area, emitting laser light energy. The Fraxel DUAL laser creates microscopic wounds that penetrate deep into the skin, without damaging the skin’s surface or surrounding tissue. The micro-wounds stimulate the body’s healing response, leading to collagen remodeling and the growth of new, healthy skin from the inside out. This results in an improvement in skin discoloration and skin texture for a more youthful complexion. Treatment usually takes about 25 minutes to complete.

Following treatment, you will be provided with specific aftercare instructions to ensure optimal results. Patients should avoid direct sun exposure and keep the treatment area well moisturized. Most patients will require 3-5 treatment sessions. We recommend that you space treatment sessions 1-2 months apart for optimal improvement.

What Areas Does Fraxel Laser Treat?

  • Face
  • Body (neck, chest, hands, arms, legs, back, abdomen, buttocks)


Frequently Asked Questions about Fraxel Restore DUAL

What does Fraxel Restore Dual treat?

Fraxel Restore Dual can treat the skin on the face and the body. By creating micro-wounds in the deeper layers of the skin, it kickstarts the body’s natural healing processes, leading to new collagen growth and an improvement in the appearance of your skin.

How many treatments will I need?

It really depends on the results you’re looking for. Typically, patients need between 2 and 4 treatments.

How long will treatment take?

Fraxel laser treatments typically take about 30 minutes.

How long is the recovery period for the Fraxel Restore Dual treatment?

It usually takes less than a week for your skin to heal after Fraxel Restore Dual treatment. You may notice some redness, swelling, and peeling during this period.

Is Fraxel Restore Dual treatment painful?

Since a numbing agent will be applied to the treatment area beforehand, you won’t need to worry about feeling any pain.


Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about the Fraxel DUAL laser treatment and if it is right for you, contact our office today. A consultation appointment with one of our skilled providers is the first step toward radiant, healthy skin!


What is IPL?: 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation is a treatment for brown spots, redness, age spots, broken blood vessels, and rosacea.

IPL devices use multiple wavelengths of light to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots and broken blood vessels. IPL is also used to treat the facial changes of rosacea, including redness and broken blood vessels. IPL may be used for these changes on the hands, neck and chest as well. It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient’s skin.

What can I expect with IPL?:

During the procedure, patients may feel a pinching sensation. Some patients have described this as a feeling similar to an elastic band being “snapped” on the skin.

What areas does IPL?:



What is PicoWay?: 

PicoWay is an advanced, ultra-short laser treatment for acne scars, wrinkles, pigmentation (dark skin spots), and tattoo removal on the face and body. Although the laser was first used for tattoo removal, the new PicoWay Resolve is a state of the art treatment for acne scars and wrinkles that splits the main laser beam into smaller beams. We recommend this treatment to patients who are always on the go and want to improve the tone and texture of their skin.

What can I expect with PicoWay?:

PicoWay is based on delivering ultra-short picosecond pulses of energy to the tissue making this device faster than any other lasers in its class while still being safe. These bursts of energy break up pigmentation in age spots while stimulating collagen production to smooth wrinkles.

Although this laser works on many parts of the body, our physicians are using this mostly on patients for face and chest rejuvenation. A series of treatments helps to reduce wrinkles and fade fine lines and sun spots. On average, this procedure takes less than 30 minutes and can easily be done on a lunch break or after work.

What areas does PicoWay treat?:
