Body Concerns

At UnionDerm, we are proud to offer an array of non-invasive, cutting-edge treatment options to address common body concerns including reducing unwanted fat cells, tightening sagging skin, promoting muscle stimulation, and more.

At UnionDerm, we are proud to offer an array of non-invasive, cutting-edge treatment options to address common body concerns including: reducing unwanted fat cells, tightening sagging skin, promoting muscle stimulation, and more.

Fat Reduction

There are many possible causes of stubborn pockets of fat that will not budge despite diet and exercise. These may include hormonal imbalances, menopause, chronic stress, and more. We offer multiple fat reduction treatments to permanently target and destroy fat cells, resulting in a slimmer body contour for our patients.

CoolSculpting & CoolSculpting Elite

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat removal procedure offered at our Central Park and Union Square locations. This treatment employs cryolipolysis technology to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, flanks, upper arms, neck, and jowls. Once fat is frozen and naturally eliminated from the body, it cannot return to the treatment area.

truSculpt iD

truSculpt iD is a non-invasive body sculpting option. It uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat deep tissues, promoting the removal of fat and tightening of the overlying skin. In turn, this treatment can improve skin tone and reduce fat on the body.


is an effective option for eliminating submental fat, also called a double chin. Formulated with deoxycholic acid, it works to naturally break down and absorb dietary fat for a slimmer facial and neck profile. A series of injections are required during each treatment session. The number of treatment sessions required will depend on your individual anatomy and desired results.

Skin Tightening

Sagging skin occurs when skin elasticity is affected due to aging, sun damage, pregnancy, weight changes and lifestyle choices. The building blocks of youthful skin are collagen and elastin, which are naturally produced by our skin. However, as we age, collagen and elastin production reduces, leading to laxity and sagging skin on the face as well as many areas of the body. Skin laxity can also be caused by significant weight loss from Semaglutide medications such as Ozempic and Wegovy. Our team at UnionDerm offers a selection of non-surgical skin tightening treatments to tighten mild to moderate skin laxity for a rejuvenated appearance.

RF Microneedling

RF microneedling is an effective option for tightening the skin, as well as addressing other cosmetic concerns such as uneven skin tone and texture. While traditional microneedling involves the creation of micro-wounds in the skin to stimulate new collagen and elastin production, RF microneedling also uses radiofrequency energy to boost collagen production for superior results.


Thermage is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) treatment to improve skin laxity. It works by applying RF energy to the deeper layer of the skin, stimulating collagen production and the contraction of lax skin. Thermage is an effective solution for tightening skin on various areas of the face and body for a more youthful-looking appearance.


Sofwave is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production, tightening lax skin. It is equipped with a cutting-edge cooling technique to ensure surrounding skin and underlying structures are not damaged. Plus, Sofwave is safe for all skin tones and . At UnionDerm, we can also combine Hyperdilute fillers with Sofwave for optimal skin tightening.

Muscle Stimulation

For patients seeking more muscle strength and definition without undergoing a surgical procedure, our muscle-stimulating treatment is a suitable and effective solution. Body sculpting is non-invasive, and results are targeted to address specific body areas, allowing for a more customized approach to achieving desired outcomes. Plus, with no downtime, patients can resume their normal activities immediately!


Accufit is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment that tones various areas of the body, including the abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks. It works by directly activating the targeted muscles through the channeling of electrical muscle stimulation. In other words, it stimulates your muscles as an actual workout would; increasing muscle tone and strength.

Why Choose UnionDerm for Your Body Concerns?

When it comes to treating body concerns, here are a few of the things that set us apart:

Physician Expertise: Our physicians are widely recognized as industry leaders in non-invasive body contouring and skin tightening and often speak at nationally recognized medical and dermatology conferences on these topics. They have participated in the clinical trials that led to the approval of Coolsculpting, Thermage, and Velashape and have been working with several device manufacturers on the next-generation treatment protocols, including Cutera, Endymed, Solta, and Candela. Moreover, unlike many other facilities, at UnionDerm all procedures are performed by our board-certified dermatologists, not an assistant or technician.

More Comfort, Less Downtime: Compared to more invasive procedures, our team focuses on minimally invasive treatments that balance results with the demands of your daily life. This means using the latest science and technology to maximize patient comfort while minimizing the post-procedure recovery period.

The Most Advanced Treatments Available: The physicians at UnionDerm work hard to ensure they are trained in the latest techniques to treat a wide range of body contouring concerns. In addition, our practice adopts the newest, proven technology to ensure we provide the absolute best possible outcomes to our patients.

Personalized Treatment Plans: Some conditions respond well to one mode of treatment, while others are best resolved when multiple approaches are combined with one another. No matter what your goals are, our breadth of medical technology and experience means that we are able to customize a treatment plan tailored to an individual’s needs.

Focus on Natural-Looking Results: Our team focuses on delivering gradual, natural-looking results that help patients look and feel their best. The goal is to provide those subtle, meaningful improvements to help patients feel great about their bodies.

Schedule a Consultation

UnionDerm is proud to offer a wide selection of body contouring solutions and treatments to address a variety of concerns. To learn more about these treatment options and if they are right for you, please contact UnionDerm in Union Square, Central Park, and the Hamptons today.

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