1. A topical cosmetic product for enhancement of facial skin aging and appearance
- We are conducting a research study with a topical cosmetic product that uses Human Platelet Extract Renewosome™ technology to enhance the appearance of and aging of facial skin. Qualified male and female participants aged 30 – 70 years old will be randomized to receive either the treatment product or a control product, which they will use twice daily for the duration of the study. Subjects will come in every 4 weeks throughout this 12 week study, including one baseline visit and 3 follow-up visits to photograph and assess results 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks later (total: 4 visits). You will be compensated $50 per completed visit, for a total of $200 upon study completion.
→ You CANNOT participate in the study if…
In the past 1 month you have used prescription topical actives, steroids, or tretinoin
In the past 3 months you have had botox or laser treatment on the face
In the past 6 months you have had filler done on the face or have taken oral skin medications (i.e., accutane, spironolactone)
If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant during study, or breastfeeding
If you have any unstable, severe medical conditions
If you unwilling to refrain from using other topical products or undergoing other cosmetic treatments during the study
If you are unwilling to sign a photo consent that allows for use of your deidentified before and after photos
2. A treatment for hair loss in Skin of Color patients using the Folix laser system
- We are recruiting male and female patients between 21 – 55 years of age with Fitzpatrick skin types 5 & 6 who are seeking treatment for hair loss and hair thinning. Since this treatment has been FDA-approved to safely and effectively improve hair loss in skin types 1 – 4, this study’s purpose is to confirm these results in subjects with darker skin types (5 – 6) who have not used other hair growth treatments in the past 90 days. After confirming qualification at the screening visit, participants will receive 4 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart, and will return for follow-up visits 1 month and 3 months post their last treatment to assess the results (total: 7 visits). You will be compensated $75 for visit and $100 for each follow-up visit, for a total of $575 upon study completion.
3. A combination gold nanoparticle topical & laser treatment for mild to moderate acne
- UnionDerm is conducting a study to gain experience with Sebacia ®, a topical gold microparticle solution combined with laser treatment, for reducing mild to moderate facial acne. This FDA-approved treatment targets the sebaceous glands, aiming to decrease acne formation. Qualified participants aged 18+ will need to complete a screening visit, followed by three treatments spaced one week apart, and a follow-up appointment three months after the final treatment (total: 5 visits).
4. A treatment for underarm hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) using radiofrequency microneedling
- UnionDerm is conducting a research study to evaluate the efficacy of a radiofrequency (RF) microneedling device for the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating). You may qualify if you are between 18-75 years old and currently struggle with underarm hyperhidrosis. Participants will need to be able to commit to 3 treatments at 6 week intervals, as well as 3 follow-up appointments 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months post their last treatment to evaluate the results (total: 7 visits). You will be compensated $50 per treatment visit, and $100 per follow-up visit, for a total of $500 dollars at the end of your completion in the study.
Study participants receive study-related exams, lab tests, and the investigational study medication or treatment at no charge. Additionally, participants are typically compensated for their time by the study sponsor.
For more information about participating in clinical trials at UnionDerm, please call us at (212) 366-5400 or email us at research@unionderm.com. Please specify which study you are interested in.