Dr. Chapas, Dr. Chwalek, Dr. Gymrek and Dr. MacGregor are actively involved in investigating the latest treatments for cosmetic and medical skin conditions. If you are interested in participating in one of our studies and satisfy the general criteria listed below, please call us, email us at studies@unionderm.com, or fill our contact form to establish whether you satisfy the detailed eligibility criteria. We are currently enrolling patients for the following studies and clinical trials:
– Active Study: Treatment of Actinic Keratosis and Precancerous Lesions. We are currently enrolling patients in a new clinical trial to test a topical cream treatment for actinic keratosis or precancerous lesions. To qualify, you must have 4-8 lesions within a 10-inch area on the body, arms or legs, but not on the face. Participants will receive free treatment over the course of 8 weeks and will be compensated a total of $200 at the end of the study. To find out if you qualify for this study please go to www.myclinicaltrial.com/unionderm for a screening questionnaire.
– Active Study: Treatment of Crow’s Feet. We are currently enrolling patients to evaluate a new botulinum toxin injection strategy for the treatment of crow’s feet. Participants must be at least 18 years of age, have visible crows feet, and must not have had any injectable treatment to the crows feet area in the last 6 months (treatments in other areas are allowed). Participants cannot be pregnant or trying to become pregnant in the next 6 months. This is not a free study, but qualifying participants will receive significantly discounted treatments to compensate for their participation.
– Active Study: Body contouring under the buttocks and sides of the hips. Prospective patients should be female 18-60 years old and should have stubborn ‘pockets’ or ‘rolls’ of fat under the buttocks or sides of the hips. Please contact us for a screening visit to see if you are a good candidate for this treatment. This is not a free study but qualifying patients will receive significantly discounted treatments to compensate for their participation.
– Currently closed but may reopen: Facial wrinkles and aging. Prospective patients should be male or female 30-65 years old and should have undesirable facial wrinkles, volume loss or skin laxity. Prospective patients should have received no injectable facial treatments within the last 3 months and no surgical facial treatments within the last 2 years. Please contact us for a screening visit to see if you are a good candidate for this study. Qualifying patients will receive discounted treatments to compensate for their participation. Enrollment currently closed, but we are still collecting expressions of interest as we may re-open this study as we enter future clinical phases.
– ENROLLMENT COMPLETED–THIS STUDY CLOSED AS OF 5/7/2014: Hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) study. We are currently seeking participants with primary axillary (underarm) hyperhidrosis for a medical research study. This study is testing an investigational gel that is applied directly to the underarms, similar to an antiperspirant. Participation requires six visits over 2-3 months. To qualify, participants must:
• be aged 18 to 55 years old
• have excessive sweating symptoms of primary axillary (underarm) hyperhidrosis
• be otherwise healthy
• not be pregnant or breastfeeding
• if female and able to become pregnant, use a method of birth control/contraception.
Study participants receive study related exams, lab tests and the investigational study medication at no charge. Additionally, participants are compensated for their time.
For more information about participating in these clinical trials, please call us, contact us or emailstudies@unionderm.com. Please specify which study you are interested in.